External Vulnerability Assessment
If your organisation is connected to the internet, this service will remotely review that connection in the same way as an attacker would perform reconnaissance, looking for potential weaknesses. The service uses the same toolsets and skill sets as cyber criminals use to map your organisations internet connections. This service also benefits from regional Police and National Cyber Security Centre intelligence to capture the very latest known threats and techniques used by cyber criminals.
Who should get an External Network Review?
Any business with networks or systems connected to the internet. A business that operates with one computer, or only uses cloud services, is unlikely to require this service but we would be happy to have an initial discussion with you to confirm if it would be of benefit.
What are the benefits to my business?
- Informs you of the impact a cyber criminal could have if they attacked your network;
- Gives you the insights you need to fortify your network based on risk;
- Provides you with reassurance that you are doing all you can to protect your customers, your supply chain and your employees.
How much does it cost?
As each service we offer is tailored to the business we are working with, speak with us to have a free no obligation quotation, specific to your business needs.
Book a call with our team or send an enquiry
Other Vulnerability Assessment Services
This service provides you with an initial assessment of your website to highlight its most pressing vulnerabilities, focussing on the reconnaissance stage for the site. FSWA is considered an initial light touch assessment of the website compared to the complete Web App Testing service offered.
The service will scan and review your internal networks and systems looking for weaknesses such as poorly maintained or designed systems, insecure Wi-Fi networks, insecure access controls, or opportunities to access and steal sensitive data.
This service assesses your website and web services for weaknesses. The service reporting will describe in plain language, what each weakness means to your business and the risks associated with each. Service reporting will include plans and guidance on how to fix those weaknesses.